Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mind and Body Connection

As I continue to think about my writings and readings, I am still struck by the phenomenological notion that the mind and sensual body are intimately connected and thrust together out into the world.  Right now I'm looking at a piece by Maria Coleman called "Reappraising the Disappearing Body and the Disembodied Eye Through Multi-Sensory Art."  It comes from the e-journal Crossings. She very eloquently addresses the union of thought and the senses, and I particularly like her urgent use of language such as when she states that, 

"...our haste to disassociate ourselves from mortality removed our sense of wholeness. By distrusting bodily truths and intuition, we divided ourselves internally and splintered our wider relationship with nature."

She calls for a reunion of the mind and body and the destruction of the disembodied eye. 

For my research I still very much want to continue looking at the cultural shift that is a reaction to ocularcentric society... our more interactive and multi-sensory world that comes along with electronic technology. I'd like to look more closely at the sensual body and its place in art and also in art institutions.  I think a participatory mode is upon us, and I'd like to reflect on some new and interesting ideas that are coming out of the museum world.  

I'm going to look into the tactics of the Musee de la Civilization in Quebec city, because they seem to be doing some very interesting things with theatrical lighting and bodily involvement etc. engaging the senses.  I came across this one at the conference "From Jurassic Part to Rothco's Chapel" in a talk by Francois Tremblay about the museum as performance.  I'll definitely have to visit someday. 

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