Sunday, January 18, 2009

Essay Schema

I have started the writing process, and though it's very slow going, it really helps me to organize my thoughts.  As I write I am keeping track of the main ideas in each paragraph.  I'll keep updating this schema as I continue to write, and add other posts as I read new articles.  We'll see how the process of researching and writing co-exist here... (I've never written an essay before while continuing to research. )

The Body as the Seat of All Understanding (establish the significance of the body)

-The world is murky and uncertain; we rely on the body for information.

-Merleau-Ponty's third position between Empiricism and Intellectualism.

-David Rokeby, and being implicated in the world. Very Nervous System

-Limitations of the body: the situated perspective and horizons.

-Sense experiences cannot be abstracted, b/c they are all interconnected within the body.

-Merleau-Ponty's Doubly constituted body.

-Atau Tanaka: Global string: The body as sensed by others and an instrument for sensing

-Museums should take account of the body using Merleau-Ponty and Multi-media art.

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